That Endless Night ~1931~ will immerse you in the adventures of the friends Timothy and Elizabeth, who will find themselves involved in unusual events that will endanger their city and make them the heroes of a very long night.

Play as Elizabeth or Timothy, or collaboratively with a friend, in a dynamic game that combines action, exploration and platforming; including battles, challenges, puzzles, races on unexpected vehicles, and more.

The concept of TEN31 (as we usually call it for its acronym) was born four years ago. Since then, we have been working on designing its universe and story. In 2019 we started the preproduction, and now we are happy to show you the first images and announce it as our currently active project.
Stay tuned for more news that will be coming soon!
El proyecto ha resultado beneficiario de la convocatoria de ayudas del Programa de impulso del sector de videojuegos de Red.es. Estas ayudas están cofinanciadas con el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) del Programa Operativo Plurirregional de España (POPE) 2014-2020.